January 2010 goal update

So in my last post, I talked about my goal for 2010, and my goal for January's distance. Today is the last day of the month, so I thought I would post an update. This month I had a goal to swim 5 km, bike 100 miles, and run 25 miles. I a.l.m.o.s.t got there... I only swam 4 times this month and each time, I did 40 laps in a 25 m pool (1000 m or 1 km) so I only got 4 km of swimming in, but I biked 101.8 miles and ran 26.3 miles so I met those goals. Tomorrow I plan on swimming to make up for that 1 missed km, and I will probably bike too. I guess I should clarify. In my last post, I talked about how miserable winter is which makes riding outside somewhat unpleasant. In truth, I only REALLY rode 37.3 miles. That was actual road riding the other 64.5 were "virtual miles" spent on a stationary bike trainer. On a lot of the rides I have done in the past, I usually average somewhere around 18 mph on any given ride. I figure that if I can ride 18 miles in 1 hour, I would count 1 hour on the trainer as 18 miles of "riding" so in reality, I rode 37.3 miles and spent about 3.5 hours on the trainer. Well, since tomorrow is the first day of February I will tell you my goal for February. Upped the mileage a little bit so now it is 5 km swimming, 125 miles riding, and 30 miles running. Thanks for reading.



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