The list is finally done

So ever since my conception of this idea to ride all of Utah's highways, I have been working on a list. This morning, at work, I finished my list. I first looked at a map of Utah and got way overwhelmed. I then went to Wikipedia to figure out where and how many highways there are. I admit, I was WAY over overwhelmed.

I started copying the info from Wikipedia into a word document so I could get these routes organized in my head and on paper. The info included S and W terminus, N and E terminus, distance and route number. The more info I transferred the more I realized that there are a lot of highways that are very short. I also read further on the article and found that 31 designated state highways serve state parks and institutions such as the University of Utah and Dixie State. Of those 31, only one is more than four miles long, SR-313 in Grand County that serves Dead Horse Point State Park. When I got into the hundreds and two hundreds, I got pretty tired of listing road that were 2 and 3 miles long and really started having a hard time seeing the point in driving hundreds of miles across the state to ride a highway that is only 2 miles long. So I stopped transferring that info and just listed the highways that are longer than five miles. At this point, I decided to just count the number of roads and got 231 (give or take). I moved my list into a spreadsheet and organized them in order of length, then cut out all the routes less than five miles long. I also divided the state into 7 regions based primarily on counties except for the Southern region which has an assigned border of US-89. I drew a map in Microsoft paint:

I then grouped all of the highways into their specific regions and now, I have a better idea of how and where I can ride. I also know how many roads there are and which ones will actually be worth riding. Total state roads in Utah: 231. Roads less than five miles: 106 which means I will be riding 125 from one end to the other and in some cases, back again. I think that I will include the shorter highways in Salt Lake County, and possibly Utah, Davis and maybe even Weber, but I am kind of playing this by ear. Wikipedia says that there is a total of over 3600 miles of state roads in Utah. I will be keeping a running total of miles ridden on state roads from one end to the other, and a tally of total number of miles ridden. So far I have done 3 highways, 82.1 miles of riding with 46.5 miles of state roads. I am so excited about my little project. Thanks again for following.



  1. This is an awesome project! Bicycling is such a neat hobby.

  2. Now I KNOW you are NUTS! I envy such a man with such passion! Good luck on this quest!

  3. Chris, You have wayyyy to much free time on your hands. Just kidding. This is a very impressive blog and should inspire other people who are just as nuts as you.


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